Thursday, March 5, 2020

Entrance exam preparation

Entrance exam preparation Those who have gone back to school for their final year will already be thinking about what comes next, with some pupils facing the rigours of entrance exams or coursework submission for secondary school and university places. When submitting coursework as part of an application, the student and tutor should work together to choose the best examples of work from the previous year. Nothing should be written solely for the application as universities want to see natural potential. However, it is acceptable to 'tidy up' the document, removing minor typos, grammatical errors etc. which may have been missed the first time around. For entrance exams it is important that students remember the same rule applies - schools look for potential, not present ability. If pupils were already perfect, there would be very little point in continuing with education. Devise an entrance exam revision plan, in that same way that you would for any other exam. Most importantly, make sure you stick to it - this also helps identify and improve on any weak points. The school's selection criteria should be identified. This is especially relevant if the student is applying for a scholarship. This knowledge will help to create a strongly targeted and concise study plan, increasing the chances of success. Do enlist the help of a private tutor to help with exam preparation and revision. Home tutors are usually more than happy to advise and assist those students who are bright enough to consider sitting these non-compulsory exams. As well as mental preparation, it is important to prepare physically as well. A good night's sleep, healthy diet and exercise will all come together to ensure any student is as prepared as it's possible to be.

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